6 Pack Gift Set
6 Pack Gift Set
Set of all 6 oils comes in 10ML. Click purchase then chose your 6 blends.
Ready to use, easy and sturdy metal roller and properly diluted with a carrier oil.
ROOTS: This blend smells woodsy and grounding. It's is a beautiful compliment to your meditation practice or to add more balanced and connection to your life.
Each oil provides a different benefit and the complex combination of them allows for a sense of calm to be used any time of the day. The scent is very woodsy and grounding but is also smooth and light.
Warm floral undertones with a citrus top note. This oil is used to uplift and open the heart.
Cooling with a bit of spice, the scent is rounded out with a natural woodiness. Used for both physical and mental focus.
Very relaxing this light fresh blend prepares you for a deep restful night’s sleep.
AWAKEN: A light citrusy blend meant to help awaken when you're in need of a boost!
CAUTION: Always do your own research on essential oils and do a small patch test on your skin before using too much. Each oil is safely diluted for a healthy adult, but we always suggest LOW and SLOW until you know how each blend works with you!